Always Wear Your Kit

Always Wear Your Kit

6th Sep 2024

The Importance of Police Officers Always Wearing Their Active Shooter Kits

In today's unpredictable world, police officers face an increasing number of high-risk situations, including active shooter incidents. These scenarios demand immediate and decisive action, with the safety of officers and civilians alike at stake. One critical aspect of officer preparedness in these situations is the use of active shooter kits. These kits, typically comprising enhanced ballistic protection, medical supplies, and tactical gear, play a vital role in the officer's ability to respond effectively to high-threat environments.

Here are several reasons why police officers should always wear or have immediate access to their active shooter kits:

1. Increased Threat Levels

Active shooter incidents often involve high-powered firearms and unpredictable threats. The weaponry used in these situations frequently surpasses the protective capabilities of standard body armor. Active shooter kits usually include ballistic plates designed to stop rounds from rifles, which are commonly used in mass shootings. Wearing these kits increases the chances of survival, providing a higher level of protection for officers confronting heavily armed attackers.

In such scenarios, speed and efficiency are crucial. An officer responding to an active shooter without their kit may be under-protected, reducing their effectiveness and placing their life at greater risk. By always having their active shooter kit ready, officers can immediately respond with the appropriate level of protection.

2. Enhanced Tactical Capabilities

Active shooter kits are more than just armor. Many kits include essential tactical tools, such as extra ammunition, communication equipment, medical supplies, and tourniquets. Having these items readily available allows officers to adapt to rapidly evolving situations.

For example, the ability to treat injuries on the spot or apply a tourniquet to a wounded victim or fellow officer can be the difference between life and death. These kits also often include additional rounds, allowing officers to stay in the fight longer without needing to resupply.

3. Rapid Response in High-Risk Situations

Active shooter incidents are often chaotic and fast-moving, requiring officers to make split-second decisions under extreme pressure. Officers who have their active shooter kits immediately accessible or already on their person can respond without delay. Every second matters in these situations, and taking time to retrieve additional protective gear could cost lives.

By wearing their active shooter kits during patrols or having them in their vehicle, officers can respond more quickly and decisively to these life-threatening events, reducing the time it takes to neutralize the threat and protect civilians.

4. Psychological Preparedness

When officers wear or carry their active shooter kits, they are mentally prepared for the possibility of encountering a high-risk event. Being physically equipped fosters a mindset of readiness and reduces hesitation. In contrast, an officer caught off-guard or without proper gear may hesitate to engage, compromising their effectiveness and safety.

By consistently wearing their kit, officers mentally reinforce the importance of readiness. This psychological edge can enhance confidence, focus, and decision-making during critical moments.

5. Officer and Civilian Safety

The most fundamental reason for wearing an active shooter kit is the increased likelihood of survival for both officers and civilians. Active shooter kits provide the necessary tools for officers to protect themselves while neutralizing the threat, enabling them to shield others. Officers equipped with enhanced ballistic protection are more likely to move toward the threat rather than retreat or take cover, which can lead to quicker resolution of the incident.

Additionally, officers who are well-protected and have the appropriate gear are better positioned to assist in evacuations, provide medical aid, and secure the scene—all actions that can save lives.

6. A Standard for Modern Policing

In an era where the frequency of mass shootings and high-threat events continues to rise, having active shooter kits readily available should no longer be seen as optional. Just as patrol officers wear their standard-issue body armor daily, the inclusion of active shooter kits should become an integral part of modern policing.

Many departments across the country have already recognized this need and now require officers to keep these kits on hand. By normalizing the use of active shooter kits, law enforcement agencies can better protect their officers and the communities they serve.


The reality of active shooter incidents is that they are unpredictable, dangerous, and often involve heavily armed assailants. Police officers must be prepared for these scenarios at all times. Active shooter kits provide the advanced ballistic protection, tactical tools, and medical supplies necessary to respond effectively and safely.

By always wearing or having immediate access to these kits, officers can enhance their survivability, increase their ability to protect civilians, and respond more efficiently to the unpredictable nature of modern-day threats. The stakes are too high to compromise on preparedness.